Personalisation is a powerful tool in content marketing, and it’s only becoming more important as more and more businesses adopt content marketing. Personalised content can increase engagement, lead generation, and conversions, but what exactly is it and how can you use it in your content marketing strategy?

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  1. Personalisation means tailoring content to specific segments of your audience: Instead of creating content that appeals to a broad audience, personalisation involves creating content that speaks directly to specific segments of your audience. This can be done by segmenting your audience based on demographics, behavior, or even past interactions with your brand.
  2. Personalization can be used in various forms of content: Personalization can be applied to various forms of content, such as email campaigns, website content, social media posts, and even video content. You can personalize the message, the design, the tone, and even the call to action.
  3. Personalisation increases engagement: When people feel like the content they are reading is tailored to their specific needs and interests, they are more likely to engage with it. Personalized content can lead to higher open rates, click-through rates, and even conversions.
  4. Personalisation can be used in automation: With the help of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, personalisation can be automated. It can be used to automatically segment your audience, and tailor the content, based on their previous interactions with your brand.
  5. Personalisation helps to build a stronger relationship with your audience: By tailoring your content to specific segments of your audience, you can build a stronger relationship with them. Personalization helps to show your audience that you understand their needs and interests, and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to provide them with relevant content.

In conclusion, personalisation is a powerful tool in content marketing. By tailoring your content to specific segments of your audience, you can increase engagement, lead generation, and conversions. Personalisation can be used in various forms of content, and even be automated with the help of AI and Machine learning. It also helps to build a stronger relationship with your audience.